Visible text and Invisible code watermarking make taking photographs of the portal and sharing of your private data a technical nightmare for rogue employees.
Using similar technology to the movie studios that code watermark their promotional movie screeners, our technology works in the exact same way, adding watermarks that are not detectable to the human eye, but can be retrieved using professional grade photo editing software to add specific filters that allow us to display the identifying watermarks.
If they share the photograph, it makes identifying the individual who leaked the data easy to track.
The rogue employee must use professional image editing software to edit the photograph and try to remove all text watermarks and also find and remove all invisible code watermarks on the pages and media they may have photographed, making it extremely difficult to photograph and share private data without the leaks being easily tracked back to the rogue employee in question.
While it may not be a 100% perfect solution, it acts as a technical deterrant to any employee planning on taking photographs of the screen and sharing it with others outside the company.