
Clients viewing the reports section can view a list of all reports that have been signed off to them from management. The list provides that with the name of the Job the report relates to, a reference for the report, the date of the report, the time of the day the report covers with start and end times. The date and time the report was signed off and a link for them to view and download the standard report.

Summary Reports

The reports section also includes the summary report if it has been signed off from the management teams to the client. The Summary report table has less items than the standard reports, it lists the name of the Job the report refers to, the Job reference number, the date the report was filed and a button to view the Summary report. The summary report view page allows the Client to download the Summary Report in PDF or Microsoft Word Doc format.

Media Images

Listed in the media section is a list of media images that have been signed off by the management for the client to review. The table gives them an image reference, the date and time the image was uploaded and a link to view and download the image from the system.

Media Videos

Also Listed in the media section is a list of media videos that have been signed off to the Client by the management team aswell. The video table is the same and provides a video reference, the date and time the video was uploaded and a link to view and download the video from the system.

The Ultimate Management software for the Security & Investigation Industries.