
The Dashboard gives the client a quick at a glance overview of the status of their account. Alerts at the top advise the client of any outstanding invoices or quotations for them to review.

Below is the Internal Messaging status, advising of any internal confidential communication  that they may have received from the management teams. Also the number of quotations for them to review.

The financial section below shows the unber of outstanding invoices, number paid, value outstanding and amount paid.

And below again is a list of five of the Latest Reports and Media that has been filed to the Client.

Realtime Notifications

The system Realtime notifications that are sent to the client allow the client to keep upto date with what changes have happened and helps them to follow along with the job process.

All client notifications can be modified and either turned on and off to suit your company’s needs from within the Triggers section on the Management Portal.

Profile Editor

The client can fully manage and edit their profile information from the Profile editor page.

 It allows them to change all of their profile data but not their account type. This covers you for the GDPR: Right to Rectification and will prevent clients from contacting your data controller asking for their data to be updated and changes to be rectified.

Discreet Mode

The discreet mode settings allows the client to manually switch on Discreet mode for their account.

If they switch the Discreet mode on, the system wil rebrand all correspondence with the client to be discreet. They also have the option to provide an eleven character name for the SMS from field. When the system sends SMS to the client it masks the from field on the mobile phone to whatever they put in the “SMS From” field.

This is useful for clients who do not want to alert people close to them, who may have access to read their mobile phone, to the fact that they are dealing with your company and the matter may be sensitive. This allows you to discreetly stay in communication with your clients without arousing suspicion.

The Ultimate Management software for the Security & Investigation Industries.